Monday, October 3, 2011

How to Paint a Door

Paint a Door-Quickly and Properly

interior doors with glass

It's surprising really, how easy it is to paint a wood panel door; the process usually reduces down to a 30-minute project, requiring nothing more than a bucket of paint and a decent brush. With just a little preparation and patience you can achieve fantastic results.


Follow these easy steps and your newly painted door will be a source of pride and accomplishment.

What you'll need:

o Primer - High quality, oil-based
o Paint - High quality, semi-gloss
o a 3-4" Black China brush (for oil-based paint) or a Synthetic Bristle brush (for latex paint)
o 220-grit sandpaper & sanding block
o Tack cloth

1. Prepare the project

o Avoid painting following a rain or in damp weather; the door should be finished right after the wrapping is removed.
o The more care taken in preparing the door's surface before painting, the better the results. Remove all hardware, and fill any nail holes with wood filler.

2. Prepare the door

o The surface should be clear of any dirt; it should be clean and dry. If there are any handling marks, you can remove them by lightly sanding the surface.
o Finally, wipe down the surface of your wood panel door with tack cloth to ensure a dust-free finish.

3. Apply the primer

o Apply primer in sections.

o When painting stiles and rails, use long strokes to prevent paint from pooling where the horizontal rails and the vertical stiles meet.
o Paint the four edges last (top, bottom, left, and right).

4. Allow the paint to dry

o Allow the paint to dry before applying a second coat. Consult the paint manufacturer's directions for drying times.

5. Ensure the quality of the result

o The entire door (all 6 sides) requires 2 coats minimum to ensure a complete seal; restricting moisture absorption and maintaining your door's warranty.

6. Reinstall the door

o You're finished! Now get that thing back in its opening, and put it to use.

How to Paint a Door

These tips are provided courtesy of Masonite, your resource for interior wood doors.



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