Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Good Way For Reclaiming Doors

If you own an older home and wish to retain that period look than a good place to start is at the front door. The door may not seem like such a high priority but, think about it. This is the first item of your home that people see. It is a good way to get your home noticed. When selecting a door, especially for an older home, you may want to consider purchasing one that has been reclaimed.

doors with doggy doors built in

A reclaimed door will give your home that look of it's era in the most authentic form possible. A door that comes from the same time frame will set the entrance to your home off perfectly and blend in with the other natural features of your house. It will fit in much better than a new or manufactured door.


Reclamation yards have doors from several different time periods. They key is knowing what style your house is in and matching it as closely as possible. Whether you want a plain and simple 5 paneled door with a glass top, a 1930's art deco style, or the fancy Edwardian style with stained glass, it will exist out there somewhere. It is just a matter of finding it.

Using reclaimed items can give the homeowner a great sense of satisfaction. You make restore your old home to its former glory, not to mention add value to it's price. You are also giving new life to an item that someone thought was past it's sell by date, not to mention doing your part to reduce waste.

Many fear using old materials. They are afraid that the quality will suffer with time. The truth of the matter is that many of these doors were originally made from soft woods. These woods grow harder and stronger over time, making them more durable and safer. If you purchase from a local reclamation yard, you will also likely get a guarantee and warranty.

If you are considering redoing your home, start at the front with a beautiful reclaimed door. Having this original feature will add style an elegance that will help restore a piece of history.

A Good Way For Reclaiming Doors

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