If you live in the middle of the country then you probably have heard of Delden Garage Doors. Delden is a regional garage door manufacturer and installer that located in middle of the USA with offices in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. Delden also owns the Amarr garage door company. Delden has been manufacturing garage doors since the mid 1960's. They manufacture and install a complete line of residential and commercial garage doors. A review of garage door pricing shows that Delden Garage doors are considered a mid priced garage door.
The Vintage Plus line of Delden Garage Doors is a very popular and affordable carriage door. The 25 gauge steel pre-painted doors are 2 inches thick insulated with polystyrene with a vinyl backing. They are reported to have an R-value of at least 6. Obviously these doors are not meant to be used in areas that have tough winters or where you are going to heat or cool your garage. One of the problems with using polystyrene insulated panels is that this type insulation leaves gaps which reduce the effectiveness of the insulation.
The Delden DTR 1748 is probably the company's best garage doors. The dual steel panels have a galvanized 25 gauge external panel and a 27 gauge interior panel that sandwiches 2 inches of polyurethane insulation. This gives the door a very energy efficient R-value of 15 plus. Installing a Delden Garage Doors of this quality will mean that you will save significant energy if you planning to heat or cool your garage. You will certainly find that your workshop will be comfortable no matter what the weather is outside. These garages will cost you more money but in our opinion they are worth it.
Saving money by purchasing cheap garage doors really is penny wise and pound foolish as the garage door opening is certainly the weakest point in your homes structure. Thieves routinely target garage doors in their efforts to get into your home. A solid garage door that is tied to your home security system will go a long way to protecting your family and your homes contents. In some cases the security system will email you whenever someone opens or enters your garage. If you have a workshop located in your garage or have a classic care collection then you can be assured that your toys are well protected.
Purchasing good quality Delden Garage Doors will save you money and keep you garage and your home secure. However if you live in a high wind risk area Delden does not offer any door that will meet the stringent standards needed to protect your home from a severe thunderstorm, tornado or hurricane. Never the less if you live in the Midwest where the high wind risk is minimal than Delden Garage Doors will certainly meet all your weather protection needs.
Customer service is considered to be good with Delden doors. The fact that the company is regionally Midwest based means that your ability to locate garage doors parts or service is relatively easy. Delden may build some of the best garage doors available. We do recommend Delden Garage Doors for your home or business. You may find that Deldon doors are even priced better than doors sold at both Lowes and Home Depot.
Great Garage Doors For Mid America
The Garage Doors Pricing Website is located at http://www.garagedoorspricing.com Providing information on the best garage door pricing and the purchasing, installing and operation of a garage door.
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